Meet Agile & Automation Days 2018 speaker- Alexei Vinogradov

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Meet Alexei Vinogradov who is coming to Krakow to lead intermediate level workshop during Agile & Automation Days conference- Jump into the KISS UI-Test automation with Selenide (master class).

In this session he will demonstrate how he writes his UI tests on real projects. The code of the tests will indeed be simple (KISS), but he asks you to trust him, that simplicity was bought at the high price of many tries and errors.

Join Alexei’s workshop to learn how to start a ui test automation project with Selenide, how to write simple PageObjects and learn how to write readable and maintainable tests.

Alexei has been working in various IT projects in Germany for more than 20 years. He consults about testing and test automation. He is a Selenide’s developer and poweruser and the founder and moderator of Radio QA podcast.

To participate in this workshop make sure that you purchased the ticket for Agile & Automation Days conference. When your status is marked as paid you can register for workshop by clicking on “options” next to your name.

Do not delay because last tickets are available!

For more information please visit:
