Meet Agile & Automation Days 2018 speaker- Jakub Kubryński

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Meet Agile & Automation Days speaker- Jakub Kubryński, software developer for whom coding is a way of life as well as a hobby.

Join Jakub’s beginner level presentation and learn about infrastructure as code simplified by conventions.

During this session he will show you how easily you can define your whole infrastructure stack, including all of the myriad relationships between components and the standards that govern them. You will learn about infrastructure as code benefits, the challenges and how to solve them, how to use convention over configuration approach and about most popular tools overview with examples.

Jakub is focused on continuously improving software delivery processes by introducing new technologies and refining Lean methodologies. He is a speaker, trainer, and co-founder of the online technical assessment platform, Devskiller.

Learn how to make managing your systems easy to do and scalable by becomin a part  of Agile & Automation Days 2018 conference!

To learn more about Jakub and his presentation please visit:
